Before beginning your abstract submission, please collect the following:
- Presenting authors contact information and affiliation
- Co-Authors names and affiliations
- Principal Investigator/Lab Head name, email and affiliation
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Only create one account for abstract submission
- 300 word count limit
- Select your presentation preference, oral or poster presentation
- Include all authors and affiliations in submission, including the submitting author, any co-authors, and Principal Investigator/Lab Head
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English with spelling and grammar of a quality suitable for publication
- All submissions will print the exact way they are submitted
Review Procedures
- All submittals are reviewed by the conference program committee
- Proposals constituting sales pitches for products or services will not be considered
- Any oral submissions not chosen for an oral presentation will receive a poster presentation
- Authors will be notified of the abstract acceptance/rejection on May 15, 2019.
Important date
Open registration: 20 Feb
Abstract submission open: 20 Feb
Oral Abstract deadline: 10 May
Poster Abstract deadline: 10 May
Abstract selection notification: 15 May
Registration deadline: 15 May
Lodging deadline: 15 May