Poster Presentation

Poster presentation

We encourages attendees to present your work in the poster sessions. To secure a poster board and inclusion in the conference materials, your abstract must be submitted, approved and your registration paid in full by May 10, 2019. Poster presenters are responsible for printing their own poster. Push pins to facilitate display will be provided for your use.

Please indicate that you would like to present a poster when you register.  Please see below for more information.
Reasons you should present your research poster at this conference:
  • Your poster will be seen by our international delegation, representing leaders from top pharmaceutical, bio-it tech, academic and government institutions
  • Your poster abstract will be published in our conference materials 
Note: Posters should be portrait orientation, with maximum dimensions of 36 inches wide (3 feet) x 48 inches high (4 feet).
* We reserve the right to publish your poster title and abstract in various marketing materials and products.  
Click here for poster instructions and guidelines.
Poster inquiries:


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