Keynote Speakers

Prof. Sulev Kõks

Professor Sulev Koks (M.D., Ph.D.) is a professor of pathophysiology at the University of Tartu. He is an honorary supervisor at the University of Liverpool and honorary professor at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam. He has initiated research and education collaboration between Estonia and Vietnam over the last eight years.
His research activities are extensive, ragning from animal models to clinical and applied research. The major areas are neuroscience (neurodegenerative diseases), musculoskeletal diseases, nicotine addiction and chronic skin infections such as psoriasis. He has described some of the molecular aspects of the Wolfram syndrome and the role of the wfs1 gene in neurodegeneration and ER stress. His recent research on psoriasis has shown the role of interleukin-36 in the cytokine family in inflammatory skin reactions and psoriasis. His research focuses on rheumatoid arthritis and rare Mendelian syndrome, but also looks into more common diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. One of his research projects focus on analyzing the genomes of hypersensitivity reactions to artificial joints. His research on Parkinson's patients has analyzed the spectrum in Estonia patients. His recent research deals with the transportable elements in pathophysiology of PD. He is the Associate Editor in Experimental Biology and Medicine and BMC Medical Genetics.


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